Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An End To Being Lost?

I've been following the countdown to the end of Lost with mounting interest. As friends and readers may know, I've long maintained that the show's creators would never in a million years be able to resolve even a small percentage of the many many contradictions, questions, and impossibilities the show's employed throughout the years to keep viewers watching.

Bear in mind that almost from the start, they promised just the opposite. They had a plan, they said.  It would all tie together.  Just keep tuning in.  Trust them: it would all cohere.  THEY would never be so cynical or lazy as to trick their viewers into watching by dangling before their all-too trusting eyes a carrot they could never, ever reach....

The video above shows all the questions that the show didn't answer.  There are, you'll note, a lot of them.

Contradiction, mystery, paradox, impossiblity...they don't necessarily give your writing depth.  They don't necessarily give it power.  They don't necessarily give it meaning.  Sometimes all they do is make you look ridiculous.


Dezmond said...

I can answer each of those questions.

ANCIANT said...

You don't count, though, Dez. You _created_ the island.

Jacqueline Will said...

You just followed the countdown - YAWN.

Ludovico Lucchese said...

That's what i'm talking about! This' my shit 8)