Sunday, July 22, 2007

Fun With Fatwas

Nutty fatwas from important Islamic leaders. The second is the best. Apparently, it is forbidden for married couples to be completely naked during sex. The workaround, proposed by a fellow Imam, is even better....


Seb said...

Link = as dead as Caesar. Please help KTHXBYE

ANCIANT said...

It is fixed. Still learning the ins and outs of blogging.

Subliminal Gary said...

Welcome to amateur hour...

Seb said...

Not only do Saudi scholars believe that Pokémon encourages gambling, which is forbidden in Islam...

Now you understand, perhaps, a bit of Ibn'Mah'Moud Akbár's dislike of your diviner. Hassan was solemn and damn-near-joyless in his devotion to Justin's and my thinly veiled IslamoZoroastrianism, but so are all poets.

Oh, wait.